MediaWiki:Common.js: различия между версиями

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Строка 146: Строка 146:
new site();
new site();
function(b){return"\\"+b})};c.event={add:function(a,b,d,f){if(!(a.nodeType===3||a.nodeType===8)){if(a.setInterval&&a!==A&&!a.frameElement)a=A;var e,j;if(d.handler){e=d;d=e.handler}if(!d.guid)d.guid=c.guid++;if({var||{},o=j.handle;if(!o)j.handle=o=function(){return typeof c!=="undefined"&&!c.event.triggered?c.event.handle.apply(o.elem,arguments):w};o.elem=a;b=b.split(" ");for(var k,n=0,r;k=b[n++];){j=e?c.extend({},e):{handler:d,data:f};if(k.indexOf(".")>-1){r=k.split(".");

Версия 09:16, 24 сентября 2013

/* Размещённый здесь JavaScript код будет загружаться всем пользователям при обращении к каждой странице */
/** Collapsible tables *********************************************************
 *  Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See
 *  Maintainers: [[en:User:R. Koot]]
var autoCollapse = 2;
var collapseCaption = 'Закрыть';
var expandCaption = 'Развернуть';
function collapseTable( tableIndex ) {
        var Button = document.getElementById( 'collapseButton' + tableIndex );
        var Table = document.getElementById( 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex );
        if ( !Table || !Button ) {
                return false;
        var Rows = Table.rows;
        if ( == collapseCaption ) {
                for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
                        Rows[i].style.display = 'none';
       = expandCaption;
        } else {
                for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
                        Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display;
       = collapseCaption;
function createCollapseButtons() {
        var tableIndex = 0;
        var NavigationBoxes = new Object();
        var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( 'table' );
        for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) {
                if ( hasClass( Tables[i], 'collapsible' ) ) {
                        /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */
                        var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( 'tr' )[0];
                        if ( !HeaderRow ) {
                        var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( 'th' )[0];
                        if ( !Header ) {
                        NavigationBoxes[tableIndex] = Tables[i];
                        Tables[i].setAttribute( 'id', 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex );
                        var Button = document.createElement( 'span' );
                        var ButtonLink = document.createElement( 'a' );
                        var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption );
                        Button.className = 'collapseButton'; // Styles are declared in [[MediaWiki:Common.css]]
                        ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'id', 'collapseButton' + tableIndex );
                        ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'href', "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" );
                        ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText );
                        Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '[' ) );
                        Button.appendChild( ButtonLink );
                        Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ']' ) );
                        Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] );
        for ( var i = 0;  i < tableIndex; i++ ) {
                if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], 'collapsed' ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], 'autocollapse' ) ) ) {
                        collapseTable( i );
                } else if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], 'innercollapse' ) ) {
                        var element = NavigationBoxes[i];
                        while ( element = element.parentNode ) {
                                if ( hasClass( element, 'outercollapse' ) ) {
                                        collapseTable( i );
addOnloadHook( createCollapseButtons );
/** Test if an element has a certain class **************************************
 * Description: Uses regular expressions and caching for better performance.
 * Maintainers: [[User:Mike Dillon]], [[User:R. Koot]], [[User:SG]]
var hasClass = ( function() {
        var reCache = {};
        return function( element, className ) {
                return ( reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : ( reCache[className] = new RegExp( "(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)" ) ) ).test( element.className );


var site = function() {
	this.navLi = $('#nav li').children('ul').hide().end();

site.prototype = {
 	init : function() {
 	// Enables the slidedown menu, and adds support for IE6
 	setMenu : function() {
 	$.each(this.navLi, function() {
 		if ( $(this).children('ul')[0] ) {
 				.append('<span />')
 		this.navLi.hover(function() {
 			// mouseover
			$(this).find('> ul').stop(true, true).slideDown('slow', 'easeOutBounce');
 		}, function() {
 			// mouseout
 			$(this).find('> ul').stop(true, true).hide(); 		

new site();

function(b){return"\\"+b})};c.event={add:function(a,b,d,f){if(!(a.nodeType===3||a.nodeType===8)){if(a.setInterval&&a!==A&&!a.frameElement)a=A;var e,j;if(d.handler){e=d;d=e.handler}if(!d.guid)d.guid=c.guid++;if({var||{},o=j.handle;if(!o)j.handle=o=function(){return typeof c!=="undefined"&&!c.event.triggered?c.event.handle.apply(o.elem,arguments):w};o.elem=a;b=b.split(" ");for(var k,n=0,r;k=b[n++];){j=e?c.extend({},e):{handler:d,data:f};if(k.indexOf(".")>-1){r=k.split(".");